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유엔 아동 권리위원회에 한국 기후·석탄 정책에 관한 자료제출
  • 글쓴이관리자
  • 등록일2018-12-20
  • 조회수2039
유엔 아동 권리위원회에 한국 기후·석탄 정책에 관한 자료제출
바른사회운동연합은 다시 꿈꾸는 도시(Re-Imagining Cities, Republic of Korea)’, ‘국제환경법센터(Center on International Environmental
Law)’, ‘국제경제·사회·문화권리운동(Global Initiative for Economic·Social and Cultural Rights)’와 함께 아래(첨부)의 자료를 유엔아동권리위원회에 공동 제출하였습니다.
*자세한 내용은 첨부파일을 클릭하여 주시기 바랍니다.
CCSJ submit briefing note to UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
regarding Korea's Climate Policy.
The Citizens Coalition for Social Justice, in cooperation with Re-Imagining Cities, The Center on International Environmental Law,
and The Global Initiative for Economic·Social and Cultural Rights, has jointly drafted and submitted the following briefing note
regarding Korea’s Policy on climate and coal power plants to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.
*For more information, please click on the attached file.
SK Briefing Note for CRC 30-11-18 FINAL.pdf